
Showing posts from December, 2023


  Dear Mr Yusuke CONWAY SPOT (GRERN) GILT RIMS Thank you for your enquiry of 15 April for a further supply of our crockery. We are pleased to quote as follows:             Glass VARDAGEN             £55.00 per hundred                         Glass IVRIG                         £45.50 per hundred                         Glass FOKAL                       £25.00 per hundred             Glass STORSINT                £10.00 each These prices include packing and delivery, but a charge is made for crates, with an allowance for their return in good condition. Delivery can be made from stock and we will allow you a 6% discount on items ordered in quantities of 100 or more. There would be an additional cash discount of 3% on total cost of payment within one month from date of invoice. We hope you find these terms satisfactory. Please give me a call on 461318 if you have any question. Yours sincerely

Customer explains late payment

 Dear  I am sorry for the late payment of your invoice number W650, and am now enclosing our cheque for $850,0000 in full settlement. The delay was due to my absence from the office through illness, and I did not leave introductions for your account to be paid. I only discovered the oversight when I returned to the office yesterday. My apologies once again for this delay. Yours sincerely